Prison Ministry, Conferences &
Community Needs

As the Lord leads and provides, International New Creation ministries will conduct a pastor's conference. The most resent pastor's conference was in September 2022 in Mangochi, Malawi. With 110 pastors in attendance, we seen a very powerful move of God in the lives of all in attendance.

We also in September 2022 held a one-day youth conference in Mangochi, Malawi. We had a great turn out with 500 youth in attendance. Many were born again after the preaching of the Gospel by Pastor Lucas House. Through faithful supporters, led by the Holy Spirit, we were able to give all 500 youth in attendance a bible.

The Himba people are a tribe of people located in the far northwest corner of Namibia. The Himba are herdsmen and have a much different way of life from Westerners. You are free to do your own research on the Himba tribe. Brother Lucas tries to go as often as he can to preach the Gospel to the Himba people. Many of them have never heard of Jesus Christ. When God allows Brother Lucas to go, he sleeps in a tent and lives with the Himba as he preaches the Good News of Jesus Christ. Please join Bro. Lucas in praying that God will raise up harvesters and labors to go to the Himba people.

 We often collect and distribute hygiene products for the youth girls. This ministry is overseen by Tiyamike (Tiya) House, the wife of brother Lucas. As the Lord allows, women in the USA will sew or buy Heigne products for teenage girls in Malawi. Tiya will take the products and give to youth girls in schools. Tiya always starts by sharing the Gospel of Jesus Christ before handing out the products. If you are interested in this ministry, please contact International New Creation!

Amidst a growing presence in Malawi's prisons, Brother Lucas finds immense importance in personally visiting correctional facilities to preach the Gospel of Jesus Christ. These efforts offer a lifeline of hope and redemption to the incarcerated who often face challenging backgrounds and difficult choices. By sharing messages of forgiveness, compassion, and God's Love, Brother Lucas contributes to the rehabilitation of these individuals, fostering positive transformation and the potential for a more harmonious society.